2011-03-06 Stargate Universe: The… Stargate Universe: The Complete First Season
2011-09-06 Déjà Vu Déjà Vu
2011-09-06 The Island The Island
2011-09-06 Æon Flux Æon Flux
2012-07-09 Drive Drive
2012-11-26 En julefortelling En julefortelling
2012-12-29 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of… Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
2012-12-29 The Cabin in the Woods The Cabin in the Woods
2013-01-30 The Incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk
2013-01-30 Hulk Hulk
2013-02-19 The Firm The Firm
2013-02-19 50/50 50/50
2013-05-02 The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight Rises
2013-08-27 Dredd Dredd
2013-12-30 Mongoland Mongoland
2013-12-30 The Amazing Spider-Man:… The Amazing Spider-Man: 2-Disc Blu-Ray
2014-01-15 Warm Bodies Warm Bodies
2014-03-29 Stargate Universe: The… Stargate Universe: The Complete Final Season
2014-07-13 The Wolverine The Wolverine
2014-10-29 X-Men: Days of Future Past X-Men: Days of Future Past