2016-10-07 Spectre Spectre
2016-10-07 Snowpiercer Snowpiercer
2016-10-12 Ghost in the Shell: The New… Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie
2017-01-25 The Big Short The Big Short
2017-01-25 Room Room
2017-01-25 The Neon Demon The Neon Demon
2017-01-25 The Nice Guys The Nice Guys
2017-01-25 Marnie: min hemmelige venninne Marnie: min hemmelige venninne
2017-01-25 Min nabo Totoro Min nabo Totoro
2017-02-13 10 Cloverfield Lane 10 Cloverfield Lane
2017-02-13 Automata Automata
2017-02-13 Everybody Wants Some!! Everybody Wants Some!!
2017-02-13 Mr. Robot: season_2.0 Mr. Robot: season_2.0
2017-02-13 Paper Towns Paper Towns
2017-02-13 Sicario Sicario
2017-02-13 Under… Under kirsebærtrærne
2017-02-13 Det er meg du vil ha Det er meg du vil ha
2017-03-06 Star Trek Beyond Star Trek Beyond
2017-03-06 X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Apocalypse
2017-03-06 Comic-Con Episode IV: A… Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope